Monday, April 09, 2007

View : the last few days

Now that I am powered with Flock, I have little pain letting the world know what I have to say. After an excellent trip to Nainital, I am back again with the following reads :

  • Firefox/Flock web developer extension : Continuing the legacy of the composer of our age-old Mozilla, the web developer extension to the world's most famous browser is here. Now that you have this in your paraphernalia, there is no going back to Dreamweaver or the like. Here is what the site has got to say

"The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the browser with various web developer tools. It is designed for Firefox, Flock, Mozilla and Seamonkey, and will run on any platform that these browsers support including Windows, Mac OS X and Linux."

  • Scrapblog has pretty decent features for photo-blogging and its UI has power of an online version of Photoshop
  • Twitter is creating waves all over. I've avoided it all this long, just for escaping the addiction. I guess I cannot anymore, when they are adding features like these.
  • Theoryoffun details a basic penchant of a human mind when playing games, the gist being that we play a game just till we realise all the possibilities. So, it says that games of unlimited/large number of possibilities become more of a success, the best examples being games like chess and Go. You can read the rest from here.
  • And, it looks like finally the world is moving towards the 'real' image retrieval. So far, all the image search we have seen were dependent directly and only on text. Folks back at UCSD have a new algorithm directly analysing the pixels, and going to the extent of tagging multiple objects in an image. One more step towards utopia.

And finally before signing off, here is my reading list.


Ullas Sankhla said...

good to see you have a tech blog visit mine also :)

Unknown said...

I don't understand what the big deal about twitter is... It's not nearly half as entertaining as a blog to the others who visit your page.